Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats are a thing. Unlike most modern games, Red Dead 2 gives you the ability to use cheat codes on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and more. These RDR2 cheats input the same on both consoles and use a system different from that in previous Rockstar games for entry. Below, we’ll tell you how to access the cheats menu in Red Dead Redemption 2, how to input them, and the full cheat codes list.
Table of contents
- How do you unlock cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC?
- All Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
- How to use newspaper cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2
How do you unlock cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC?

To access and unlock cheats in RDR2, all you need to do is follow these steps:
- Pause the game
- Go to Settings
- Press Triangle/Y
In the RDR2 Cheat Menu, you can see a list of the cheats you’ve unlocked so far and turn them off or on. To enter a new cheat, you need to be in the Cheat Menu and again press Triangle/Y. This will bring up a standard text entry box, and then you can enter the code. The input doesn’t have to be case-sensitive.

There are a few catches with cheats in Red Dead 2 that you’ll need to be aware of:
- If you activate a cheat code, you lose the ability to earn trophies/achievements.
- You can no longer save.
- Some cheats are only unlocked after meeting specific requirements.
All Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
The following is a list of the cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. These are split into two categories, cheats that are unlocked from the start of the game, and cheats that you have to unlock by obtaining newspapers or certain other items or documents. There are 30 spots in the cheats menu, but as of right now we’ve only discovered 15 of them.
Cheat Code | Cheat Effect | Additional Steps |
Abundance is the dullest desire | Infinite ammo | Purchase newspaper after Chapter 1 |
A simple life, a beautiful death | Set of Basic Weapons | None |
Death is silence | Set of Stealth Weapons | None |
Greed is American Virtue | Set of Heavy Weapons | Purchase newspaper after Chapter 3 mission ‘Advertising, the New American Art’ |
Would you be happier as a clown | Spawn a circus wagon | Purchase newspaper after Epilogue Part 1 mission ‘The Landowning Classes’ |
History is written by fools | Receive Gunslinger side-mission weapons | None |
Be greedy only for foresight | Infinite Dead Eye | None |
Greed is not a virtue | Gain $500 | None |
You are a beast built for water | Spawn a War Horse with high stamina | Purchase newspaper after Epilogue Part 1 Mission ‘The Wheel’ |
You long for sight and see nothing | Reveals the whole map | Purchase newspapers after Chapter 4 missions ‘The Joys of Civilization’ |
You seek more than the world offers | Refills all bars and cores and fortifies them | Purchase newspaper after Chapter 6 mission ‘The King’s Son’ |
Vanity. All is vanity | Unlocks all outfits | None |
The lucky be strong evermore | Infinite stamina | Purchase newspaper after Chapter 4 mission ‘Urban Pleasures’ |
Guide me better | Dead Eye Level 1 | None |
Make me better | Dead Eye Level 2 | None |
I shall be better | Dead Eye Level 3 | None |
I still seek more | Dead Eye Level 4 | None |
I seek and I find | Dead Eye Level 5 | None |
Share | Unlocks every camp upgrade | None |
Eat of knowledge | Gain every crafting recipe | None |
Balance. All is balance | Neutral Honor | None |
You revel in your disgrace, I see | Minimum Honor | None |
Virtue unearned is not virtue | Max Honor | Purchase newspaper after Chapter 4 mission ‘Urban Pleasures’ |
Seek all the bounty of this place | Permanently increases Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye | None |
You flourish before you die | Fills Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye meters | None |
My kingdom is a horse | Increases Horse Bonding level | None |
Run! Run! Run! | Spawns a race horse | None |
You want more than you have | Spawns a Superior Horse | None |
You want something new | Spawns a random horse | None |
Better than my dog | Call horse from any range | None |
Keep your dreams light | Spawn horse-drawn cart | None |
The best of the old ways | Spawn a stagecoach | None |
Keep your dreams simple | Spawn a wagon | None |
You want punishment | Get a Wanted Level | None |
You want freedom | Drop Wanted LEvel | None |
You want everyone to go away | Removes bounties and notoriety | None |
A fool on command | Increases drunk levels | None |
How to use newspaper cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2

Newspaper cheats must be unlocked by purchasing a particular newspaper or finding the correct document, item, or location and examining it first. Note that it isn’t enough to just have the item in your inventory, you need to look at the cheat for it to become enterable.
You can buy newspapers in the following locations:
- Blackwater Ledger: Blackwater and Strawberry
- New Hanover Gazette: Annesburg and Valentine
- Saint Denis Times: Rhodes and Saint Denis
The table below also denotes when each newspaper becomes available. You may want to make buying them a priority after you complete the prerequisites for more to be released as it is possible that some of them are unavailable for purchase later in the game.